
VI Vegetation and Biodiversity Management Conference

The conference addressed the potential for sustainable management of vegetation and biodiversity, as well as the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030 in Portugal.

We are one of the entities with the greatest involvement in the various ecosystems that make up the territory, due to the size of the electricity network that reaches the most remote locations. E-REDES currently manages an infrastructure 179,000 kilometers long and about a third, 60,000 kilometers, of the high and medium voltage overhead network is in forest and agricultural areas.

We seek to ensure that this intervention is carried out while fulfilling our objective of being a benchmark operator in the efficient management of distribution networks, guaranteeing the provision of a quality public service focused on the Customer. 

This is how, for the sixth year running, we have held the Vegetation Management and Biodiversity Conference, with the aim of contributing to the debate on best practices in terms of fuel management and making it compatible with biodiversity.  
This was a moment of reflection with a view to contributing to the transformation of the landscape while respecting the territory, communities and biodiversity, reinforcing that the aim of vegetation management is to protect the electrical infrastructure.

The event was opened by Engineer Rui Manuel Ladeira Pereira, Secretary of State for Forests, and José Ferrari Careto, Chairman of the Board of Directors of E-REDES.

The panel followed with the participation of Rosário Oliveira, Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, on the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030 in Portugal, and Ricardo Cabral, Co-Founder & Managing Partner - Spotlite, Researcher in the Research Center on Archaeology, Arts and Heritage, who addressed the Potential of Sustainable Vegetation and Biodiversity Management.

The event also featured a round table where Nuno Sequeira, Member of the ICNF Board of Directors and Selma Pena, Researcher at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia, joined the previous speakers to discuss solutions and proposals for improvement.

The event closed with the presence of João Brito Martins, Member of the Board of Directors of E-REDES, who stressed “the importance of continuing projects with partners outside the company that substantiate options, renew our vision, and are essential for characterizing biodiversity trends and vulnerabilities.”

Photo by: António Saraiva - Público

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