Network Connection Request

Transform your request into energy. Connect to the grid.

Connecting your property to the electrical grid may seem complicated, but we are here to assist you at every step. Whether the connection is for your home, your business, or any other type of installation, you can find all the necessary information here to make your request quickly and efficiently.

What documentation is required for each type of connection and how to complete it correctly?

You can check the required documents by connection type (PDF - 0.787 MB) and download the electrotechnical form with filling instructions (PDF - 1.52 MB) to ensure the success of the process. Additionally, it may be necessary to submit plans, projects, and other technical documents, depending on the complexity of the connection.

Note: If the Network Connection Request is not made by the client, a duly completed "Third-Party Authorization Declaration" will also need to be submitted.

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Download the Documents for Network Connection Requests

May 2024
Termo responsabilidade execução ramal
May 2024
Declaração de aceitação e receção provisória
May 2024
Aviso Inicio
Dec 2024
Declaração Autorização a Terceiros
Aug 2024
Documentação necessária por tipo de Ligação à rede
Aug 2023
Etapas de um Pedido de Ligação à rede
May 2023
Auto de Entrega e de Receção Provisória
Mar 2022
Etapas de um Pedido de Modificação
Dec 2021
Etapas de um Pedido de Condições de Ligação à Rede
Oct 2021
Manual de Ligações à Rede
What are the initial charges and when do they apply?

After the request is submitted and reviewed, you will receive a communication detailing the initial charges related to the connection services. According to the Commercial Relations Regulation (Regulamento de Relações Comerciais), these may include the following actions:

  • Site visit for assessment of the routing and connection point.
  • Construction supervision.

The following elements are also included in the connection services:

  • Connection voltage level and connection point.
  • Materials to be used.
  • Routing for the connection elements.
  • Connection elements for exclusive use, if the network operator is required to construct these connection elements.
  • Connection elements for shared use, if applicable.
  • Compensation for the location of the Transformation Station, if applicable.
  1. These costs are set by the Energy Services Regulatory Authority (Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos - ERSE), updated annually, and depend solely on the requested power and the connection voltage level.

  2. They entail an infrastructure that will only serve to supply the consuming installation, with a length not exceeding 30 meters. This value pertains only to the costs incurred with the connection of the installation in question. The amount is proposed by E-REDES, approved by ERSE, and borne by the client.

  3. These costs arise when connecting one or more installations and are calculated based on the requested power, distance, type of connection (aerial or underground), and voltage level. These values are regulated by ERSE. If the connection includes Medium Voltage network elements, the cost for shared-use Medium Voltage will be charged. In Low Voltage connections, E-REDES may request the client to provide a suitable location for the installation of a public service transformation station (PTD) whenever the requested power exceeds the values specified in the concession agreement with the municipalities:

    • 20 kVA in areas where the average power per transformation station is ≤ 100 kVA;
    • 50 kVA in areas where 100 kVA < average power ≤ 400 kVA per transformation station;
    • 100 kVA in areas where the average power per transformation station is > 400 kVA.


    Providing space is free of charge. Please refer to the reimbursement values for space preparation and adaptation.

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Check a budget example (PDF - 0.387 MB) to better understand its structure, possible elements, and overall appearance.

When sending the budget, E-REDES may present you with up to three options for constructing the connection, based on the characteristics of the work to be carried out. The construction options may be:

  • Construction for which the Customer is responsible;

  • Construction for which E-REDES is responsible, or;

  • Shared construction, in which, typically, the client builds the elements for exclusive use and E-REDES builds the elements for shared use.

If you choose the option involving the construction of connection elements by the Customer, you should consult the list of entities authorised to carry out work on E-REDES' distribution network and choose a recognised entity to carry out the desired work.

Check out our step-by-step guide to Network Connection requests (PDF - 1.08 MB) at the top of the page to find out what steps are required for each type of construction and the documentation needed to complete each process.

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What are the payment methods?

The payment methods are defined according to the items listed in the budget. The client can choose different payment options, as agreed with E-REDES. After selecting the most suitable construction option, you must choose how you want to pay. You have a period of 30 business days to make the payment; otherwise, your request will be canceled.

If the chosen construction option involves work to be carried out by E-REDES, payment may be made in two equal installments: the first at the start of the work and the second upon completion and before the connection (installment payment). Alternatively, you may choose to pay the full amount using the provided reference (prompt payment).

Deadlines for applications
After paying the budget, if there is construction by E-REDES, the following regulated deadlines are defined:
working days - Low-voltage without medium-voltage construction
working days - Low-voltage with medium-voltage construction
working days - Medium-voltage

These deadlines are counted from the date the quote is accepted by the client and may be interrupted if there is any pending issue related to the request.

Note: Connection requests, network modifications, changes to the delivery point location, and occasional connections are not subject to regulated deadlines at any stage of the process.

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With the Network Connection application completed, what's left to do to get electricity?

When the process is complete, you will receive a communication with the Delivery Point Code assigned to your installation. If the installation is permanent, you must ensure that it is certified by an electrical inspection entity recognized by the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG). You can obtain this certification through your responsible technician or via the portal provided by the DGEG.

Certification of the installation is mandatory for signing an electricity supply contract. Once certification is complete, you can contact an energy supplier to request the electricity supply contract and the installation of the meter.

Use the Digital Counter during all stages of the process
Order status enquiry
Sending documentation
Scheduling technical visits
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