
Interconnect Project is recruiting participants in Porto. Sign up!

In the context of the Interconnect project, E-REDES is recruiting participants in the Porto district to test innovative equipment and solutions.

InterConnect is the name of the European project that will give you access to a platform to manage smart home appliances. Its major goal is to make the electricity sector digital, connected and more efficient.

E-REDES as project leader intends to analyze different energy services for homes, buildings and energy communities, explore interoperable digital platforms for cloud-based energy and non-energy services and hybrid connectivity solutions, and validate and flexibilize platforms and data exchange interfaces within the Distribution Network Operators (DSO) infrastructure, and demonstrate the potential for broad adoption at the European Union level.

To develop this project and meet the objectives presented, E-REDES is looking for new participants in the district of Porto to test equipment and innovative solutions.

Potential interested parties must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a holder of the electric energy supply contract;
  • Have a smart meter;
  • Availability for active participation in the project
  • Be a resident in the district of Porto.

The selected participants will benefit from an Energy Management System in their homes, which will allow them to manage the smart appliances (washing machines and/or electric vehicle chargers) that the Interconnect project will provide, free of charge and in limited numbers.

The project will be developed in the districts of Braga, Porto, Guarda, Santarém and Évora, covering about 300 homes.

For more information consult the Portuguese residential pilot Interconnect page. 

To sign up, click here.