
The European project Interrface has ended

The European project Interrface has come to an end after 4 years of close collaboration between some 43 European organizations from 16 different countries.

The goal of the INTERRFACE Project was to establish a European architecture where services would be developed and made available in a coordinated manner between Electricity Grid Operators and other stakeholders. 

As a partner, E-REDES led Work Package 2 "SOTA Analysis/Assessment and End-User Requirements" and the Initiative focused on user needs. It also contributed to the survey of existing tools and applications and, simultaneously, to Work Package 9, in the scope of the management and involvement of stakeholders in the project. 

The final event was attended by George Paunescu, Pollicy Officer of DG ENER, who mentioned the importance of the need to transform the energy sector in accessible, sustainable and secure conditions, reinforcing the importance of the existence of European projects as sources of research, knowledge sharing and acceleration of European policies. 

During the panel "Flexibility network code and Beyond" were discussed issues related to the importance of Flexibility, Demand Response, namely, in increasing the active participation of Consumers, and the participation of Distributors, for the first time, in the process of developing Network Codes. 
This last, relevant and crucial fact, taking into account the "new reality" of quite considerable increase in production (and consumption) of renewable energy at the local level, which is the responsibility of the management and operation of the transmission network operators, and that will have to take into account the imperative needs of: 

  •  Standardization to achieve interoperability between systems as a way to make the electricity system efficient. 
  •  Long term vision but taking into account the need to also have a medium and short term vision. 
  •  Need to develop new services and processes, such as balancing, congestion management, coordination between System Operators, and provision of services aimed at local markets. 

To celebrate the commitment and contribution of all partners, trophies were awarded during the ceremony, with the Best SOTA analysis award going to E-REDES.