
3 million meters are already integrated in the Intelligent Network

Clients have access to a wider range of remote functionalities and services

In order to enhance the energy transition, E-REDES has invested in the implementation of the Intelligent Network, through the infrastructure of transformer stations with data "concentrator" equipment and the development of new information systems, along with the installation of smart meters in all consumption locations in mainland Portugal. All this so that customers can obtain more information and greater autonomy in their electricity services.

Currently, 3 million consumption sites are already inserted in the Intelligent Network, which means that customers can have access to a wider range of features and remote services, provided by E-REDES, such as access to the Point Charge Diagram (Point DC) and the Daily Charge Diagram (DC).

In total, E-REDES has already installed more than 4.3 million smart meters in mainland Portugal, which means coverage of two-thirds of customers. Of this total, 3.4 million are in teTelemanagementallowing automatic data collection, relieving customers from sending readings and enabling the suppliers to issue invoices without recourse to estimates or adjustments. By the end of this year, the remote services - 660 thousand work orders and one billion readings - will avoid the emission of 2 thousand tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The installation of smart meters at all consumption sites and their integration into the Smart Grid should be completed by the end of 2024. The E-REDES will certainly comply with what is defined in the legislation, although it is a challenging goal, considering the size of the associated logistical effort, particularly with regard to the availability of equipment and the need for manpower for this operation.