
E-REDES invests 12 million euros in Porto

We are renovating the High, Medium and Low Voltage electrical infrastructures throughout the city.

E-REDES has an ongoing investment project in the city of Porto, relevant to the renovation of its electrical facilities and High, Medium and Low Voltage networks (HV, MV and LV), which ensure the distribution of electricity in the city. This project, which foresees an investment of 12 million euros, started at the end of 2020 and should be completed by early 2023. By the end of 2021, about 7.5 million euros have already been invested.

 In terms of electrical installations, many of the main technical assets that constitute them are being replaced, specifically in the substations (SE) of Antas, Paranhos, Vitória, Lapa, Montes Burgos, Boavista and the switching station (CP) of Circunvalação. Due to the scope of the work to be performed and the fact that the interventions in question take place in service facilities, the programming and operationalization of these interventions had an increased level of complexity in terms of project and works management.

New 60kV underground lines are also being built between Antas Substation and Campo 24 de Agosto Substation, between Antas Substation and Vitória Substation, between Prelada PC and Campo 24 de Agosto Substation, and between Prelada PC and Boavista Substation.

Also, part of the investment, about 2.4 million euros, involves the renovation of the Low, Medium and High Voltage (LV, MV and HV) networks on Avenida Fernão Magalhães, located in the city centre. This intervention, which has already been completed, involved the rehabilitation of the entire existing distribution network between Rua Barros Lima and Praça Francisco Sá Carneiro. Since this is one of the main access roads to the city, it was essential to collaborate with the Porto City Hall, as well as carefully plan the works to minimize the impact on traffic and the daily lives of residents.

E-REDES thus continues to invest and innovate in the modernization of the infrastructures under its responsibility, to improve its services and contribute to the development of the regions, resulting from the commitment that the Company has made with the municipality of Porto.