
Spill and fire drill in Santo André

With Safety always in first place, emergency procedures and coordination were tested between the E-REDES technical teams, the Santo André Fire Department, the National Republican Guard and the Civil Protection of Santiago do Cacém.

In the environmental exercise carried out in the Village of Santo André, Santiago do Cacém, an environmental risk context was created, with an impact on the environment, derived from a technical failure and motivating firm action in terms of the safety of people and property.

The purpose of the exercise was to train the maintenance teams to act in unscheduled, extraordinary and articulated operations with the local authorities, who were invited to participate in the exercise.

We sought the greatest possible realism in the exercise, imposing, from the outset, that the first response of the teams was given from their usual work station. This way, response times, equipment adequacy for situations of this nature, communication and articulation skills with the authorities were tested.

“O objetivo destes exercícios, para além de treinarmos a equipa, é verificarmos pontos de melhoria.”

Luis Martins Silva, Diretor Área Alentejo e Algarve E-REDES

O debriefing final contou com a presença dos observadores internos e externos, das equipas e autoridades que participaram no exercício, partilhando-se experiências e críticas de modo construtivo, identificando as boas práticas e as áreas de melhoria a implementar.