
OneNet | E-REDES is technical coordinator of the largest European H2020 project

Horizon 2020 is the EU's largest research and innovation program.

E-REDES is part of the largest international consortium of the Horizon 2020 program - the largest research and innovation program of the European Union (EU) where besides coordinating the technical management it also leads the Western demonstrator.

The OneNet project proposes to create a single European network that aims to build a customer-centric approach to network operation.

This ambitious vision will be achieved by proposing new markets, products and services and creating a single information technology architecture.

The proposal was the only one selected by the EU in the competition entitled "TSO - DSO - Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation".

The consortium, led by the Fraunhofer Institute, includes 72 partners from 22 countries, including the DSOs (distribution) and TSOs (transportation) involved in the 4 demonstration clusters, the main associations that represent them at European level (E.DSO; ENTSO-E) and recognized academic and scientific institutions.

E-REDES is the entity with the greatest participation in the project in terms of effort, leading the technical management and the "Western" pilot, which also involves the system operators REN, i-DE, UFD, Enedis and RTE.

The planned initiatives are also aligned with the development of the EUniversal and Interconnect projects, thus enabling best practices to be extended to a greater number of geographies and interaction with transmission system operators.

The consumer is the central piece of the work developed under this project. OneNet culminates, in the words of the European Commission, a previous path that involved a wide range of initiatives that contribute to a common goal central to the energy transition:

"The topic has been subject of several research projects in the past years and reached a maturity that allows now the consideration of a final level, proposing an integrated view on the grid operations beyond the traditional barriers. OneNet aims at performing this critical step creating the conditions for a new generation of grid services able to fully exploit demand response, storage and distributed generation while creating fair, transparent and open conditions for the consumer."

The project started in September 2020 and will last for 36 months.