
Integrid final event Webinar

Integrid Project final event was held online on the 29th of October, sharing the project results and outcomes with more than 300 users that attended the session.

Integrid is a EU funded project coordinated by EDP Distribuição that aims to bridge the gap between citizens and technology/solution providers such as utilities, aggregators, manufacturers and all other agents providing energy services,

João Marques da Cruz, Member of the Executive Board of EDP Group, has opened the session highlighting the importance of the project in the context of the energy transition, followed by the project team that had the chance to present the main results and outcomes achieved, as well as their experience along these 4 years of hard work.

Besides that, the session held two “round tables” with invaluable contributions.

The first panel joined consumers and academia to learn about their experience. Luís Seca, from INESC TEC, moderated an interesting conversation with Paulo Seixas, who was representing consumers B2C; Luísa Matos from Virtual Power Solutions; Rita Alves, who was representing consumers B2B and Pedro Carvalho from Lisbon University, Instituto Superior Técnico.

The second “round table” brought the audience the insights from the Advisory Board of the project and its alignment with EU policies and trends. An interesting conversation moderated by Ricardo Prata from EDP Distribuição exploring the theme “From Flexibility Based Grid Operation, to DSO market enabler role, towards a Customer Centric Energy Transition” with Marielle Lahti (Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate), Torsten Knop (Innogy), Peter Soderstrom (Vattenfall) and Luís Cunha (EDP Distribuição).

João Torres, CEO of EDP Distribuição and Vice-President of E.DSO closed the session emphasizing the successful closure of Integrid project as an important step on the road for a more sustainable future and giving a special thanks to the European Commission and Project Officer for all the support during this journey, to the project consortium for excellent work, the advisory board for all the important insights and to all the consumers that were key to the success of the Integrid project.

Click here to watch Integrid Project Final Event Webinar.