
EDP ​​Distribuição Portal is already used by all municipalities

EDP ​​Distribuição developed in 2017, as part of its digitization strategy, a portal entirely reserved for local authorities. After a trial period, and after implementation of some improvements, the portal was extended nationwide in April 2018.


This reserved area is currently used by the 278 Municipalities, being the preferred communication channel with EDP Distribuição, already having more than 1,300 registered interlocutors and 25,000 submitted requests. In the last three months alone, this digital channel has been the gateway to about 60% of all municipalities' requests.

The company aims to be a facilitator in the daily lives of the municipalities and deepen their relationship with these institutions. In this sense, several functionalities are available: requests for expansion of public lighting network; fault reporting at the various lighting spots; alerts for scheduled power outages; direct, real-time access to all documentation relating to the company's processes, as well as various queries about the places of consumption they own.

EDP ​​Distribuição will continue to invest heavily in the automation and digitization of its services in order to provide its customers with a faster and more efficient service. In 2020 news is expected with the launch of a more robust version, new functionality and process automation.