
Tropical Storm Leslie: EDP Distribuição declares state of alert

The company has strengthened its operational teams throughout Portugal.

EDP Distribuição declared a state of alert, starting at 6pm today, Saturday, for the whole of mainland Portugal. 

This decision was taken within the framework of the Company's Operational Plan for Crisis Action (POAC), which has been activated as a consequence of the adverse weather forecast to arrive with tropical storm Leslie, in particular the strong winds and heavy rains, especially in the areas north of Lisbon. These adverse weather conditions may significantly affect the normal supply of electricity. 

By activating this state of alert, the company is ensuring operational teams are strengthened while suspending all planned power-cut activities so its operational teams are in place to intervene if necessary. This mobilization is taking place throughout the country, with resources being concentrated in areas where the greatest impact is expected.

EDP Distribuição is in close contact with local and national civil protection agencies, and remains in permanent contact with the IPMA to receive up-to-date weather information.