
InteGrid project, coordinated by EDP Distribuição, selects 60 clients in Caldas da Rainha to receive efficient equipment

The Integrid project, coordinated by EDP Distribuição, is to be introduced to the people in the Nossa Senhora do Pópulo, Coto and São Gregório Parish Union, at 7.30pm next Friday, October 12, at an event in Caldas da Rainha Cultural and Congress Center.

This project aims to promote energy efficiency and give consumers a more active role in managing electricity consumption. To do this, EDP Distribuição will install energy efficient equipment, including smart washing machines, solar panels, thermo-accumulators, batteries and energy management systems, in the homes of 60 chosen customers, all for free.

Consumers interested in participating in this project should consult the regulations and, if they meet the requirements set out, complete the form available at:

About the project:

InteGrid - Demonstration of Intelligent Grid Technologies for Renewables Integration and Interactive consumer participation enabling Interoperable market solutions and interconnected stakeholders - is a project coordinated by EDP Distribuição that aims to demonstrate innovative and competitive solutions on a global scale at the smart grid level and with strong renewable energy penetration.

The project, composed of 14 partners from eight countries (Portugal, Austria, Slovenia, Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Spain), intends to install smart grid demonstrators in three European countries:  Portugal (Caldas da Rainha, Alcochete, Valverde and Mafra), Sweden (Stockholm) and Slovenia (Ljubljana). 

This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant contract No 731218.

InteGrid has a budget of EUR 15 million and a duration of 42 months.

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