
EDP Distribuição rejects any possibility of negligence in the fires of October

The information available from EDP Distribuição, referring to the performance of power lines on the days of the fires in October 2017, makes it possible to state unequivocally that no fire occurred as a result of a tree falling on the grid in the Lousã area. EDP ​​Distribuição has systems that continuously monitor and record all events related to the commercial operation and functioning of the lines, and these records remain available.

The only recorded event concerns the fall of a large tree (11 metres) located outside the protection strip of EDP Distribuição, which fell on the medium voltage line but did not cause any fire as demonstrated by the photograph below taken by the team that went to the location. This tree was removed by the operational teams of EDP Distribuição 2 hours after the fall, and the regular operation of this line was restored, and there was no fire at that time.

Geo-referenced information (with location identification) and illustrative photographs are available for this event. Taking into account the possibility mentioned in the report, EDP Distribuição decided to immediately send all the documentation that supports this conviction to the Independent Technical Commission.

It should be noted that this information had already been provided to the competent authorities in due time. The regulation obliges the setting up and protection of corridors and also of Fuel Management Strips that must take into account the specificities of the vegetation.

In compliance with this legislation, EDP Distribuição annually invests EUR 5 million on the preservation of the protection corridors and the Fuel Management Strips, maintaining 7500 km. At the same time, it monitors 14,000 km of power lines using aerial means and laser technology. In addition, visual and drone inspections are performed. We recall that EDP Distribuição has 84,000 km of high voltage overhead power lines, of which 26,000 km cross forest areas.