
EDP Distribuição has 600 operational staff on the ground to repair the electricity grid

The fires that broke out in the country yesterday significantly affected the electricity distribution grid, even putting out of service the Aguieira, Mortágua, Candosa, Oliveira do Hospital and Mira substations.

The grids of these substations have since been restored. Since the beginning, EDP Distribuição has mobilized around 600 staff who have been working in the field, in coordination with local authorities, municipalities and Civil Protection Authority, having concentrated their efforts so that, as far as travel on the roads may permit, to assess grid damage and carry out repairs.

The travel difficulties by road are still particularly felt in the area of ​​Pampilhosa da Serra, Vouzela and Oliveira do Hospital. The expectation at this point is the restoration of the medium voltage grid during the present day since the teams are engaged in the repair of the lines that supply power to the rural areas of the municipalities of: Pampilhosa da Serra, Oliveira do Hospital, Vouzela, Tondela, Seia, Gouveia and Lousã, as well as the industrial area of ​​Mira. In the most critical areas, generators and mobile power plants are already connected and/or prepared for connection on site.

Air resources are also being mobilized to support the reconnaissance and tracking of damage more quickly. In the coming days, work will continue on the low voltage grid which also has very relevant and widely scattered damage in several municipalities in the central zone. We also warn all persons in the areas affected by fires not to touch any fallen power lines for safety reasons, and also to take care with using generators in poorly ventilated areas, since their improper use may lead to gas poisoning.