
Rural electrification in the municipality of Mértola

The inaugural session of rural electrification in the municipality of Mértola took place at Vale do Poço, on 21 April. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Economy, Manuel Caldeira Cabral, the Secretary of State for Energy, Jorge Seguro Sanches, the EDP Group director António Martins da Costa, the chairman of EDP Distribuição, João Torres, and the Mayor of Mértola, Jorge Rosa.

The project, which began in November 2016 and will continue until December 2018, comprises 56 farmhouses of a total of 61 houses and farms, in an investment of around EUR 1,300,000.00. The financial responsibility lies with EDP Distribuição (85%), responsible for the installation of the electrical infrastructures, which distributes the investment with the municipality and with the benefitted home owners. The works involve the construction of 30.115 km of medium voltage lines, about 27 km of low voltage lines and the installation of 25 transformation stations.

Six of the beneficiaries have already been connected to the grid. The work, which will be carried out in three phases, is now in the first phase that will be completed in September of the current year with the connection to the grid of a total of 25 beneficiaries. The second phase will be completed in May 2018, comprising 19 more houses and farms, and the work will be completed in December next year, with the connection to the grid of the last 17 beneficiaries. At the ceremony protocols were signed with the beneficiaries of the rural electrification project and the first electricity installation of Vale de Romeiros was connected by the Minister of Economy.

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