
Electrical Grid Meeting: 1st edition

The program is aimed at students from the Network Technician course and runs from February 14 to 17.

This first edition, which will receive 32 students from these three groups, aims to provide participants with the opportunity to apply, during these four days, the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course.

During the program, several practical modules are included, on the themes of Transformer Stations, Underground Networks and Overhead Lines.

The Schools Grouping of Condeixa, the Schools Grouping of Seia and the High School of Vila Real de Santo António are the schools involved in this project.

The practical activities will take place in the E-REDES Training Park, a physical space with an electrical park, which was developed by former students of the professional course Network Technician.

In a real environment, students will be able to learn more about the process of building an electrical grid, handle materials used in low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV) and public lighting (PL) overhead networks, and understand the size of the networks at these voltage levels, among other modules.

It is also intended that the students from the various schools exchange experiences and knowledge with each other, thus deepening networking in the area.

The Professional Course of Electrical Network Technician is the result of a partnership between E-REDES, the Ministry of Education and Science, and Seia's Secondary School, for the development of a Secondary Professional Education project, which aims to qualify Network Technicians.

In this partnership, E-REDES has the opportunity to participate in the definition of the programmatic contents of the technological training subjects and in the planning of the training.

This course, which lasts three school years, aims to establish a link between the school and the companies that need a concrete response in terms of future human resources, with a certain specific qualification.

In the second and third years, as an integral part of the "Electrical Network Technician" course, the students carry out an internship at E-REDES lasting 300 hours each year (a total of 600 hours), integrating several technical departments of the company.