
You can now request your Delivery Point Code via the Digital Counter

The new feature is available by simply filling in a form at the Digital Counter. 

As of today, the E-REDES Digital Counter adds a new feature available to all customers: the possibility of requesting the Delivery Point Code (DPC) without having to call the E-REDES Customer Helpline. 

All you have to do is fill in the form available here and the CPE will be returned to you, whether it's for a new contract you want to sign with any supplier, or simply to find out the CPE of an existing contract.

The Digital Counter allows customers to have access to a simpler and faster way of resolving their requests, be they:

  • Send readings and consult reading history;
  • Make a request for connection to the network;
  • Submit faults registered at home or in the street;
  • Reschedule technical visits;
  • Consult the CPE;
  • Among others. 

In addition to the Digital Counter, customers can also request the CPE through their supplier or check it on their supplier's invoice.

In recent years, E-REDES has developed various services and functionalities through digital interaction that have enabled customers to resolve their requests more quickly and easily.