
Kaizen Awards recognizes algorithm that predicts vegetation growth

Analytics4vegetation generates automatic maintenance orders for vegetation clearing

E-REDES invested 250 thousand euros in the digitalization and automation of vegetation monitoring processes and created an algorithm that crosses data processed by artificial intelligence models to predict the growth of various species of vegetation in the vicinity of the aerial network and thus calculate the degree of risk of each associated network asset. The model considers the various types of climate, soil, altitude and other constraints to assess the potential growth of these species. 

This initiative makes it possible to increase the accuracy of compliance with safety distances to the HV and MV network, at the environmental level, promote the cutting and felling of vegetation in the appropriate periods, as well as reduce the safety risk on overhead lines and increase the accuracy of intervention in the forest. 

Analytcis4Vegetation automatically generates maintenance orders in the operational systems and forwards them to the service providers responsible for clearing the vegetation. The information is presented in intuitive and personalized dashboards, reducing the effort associated with data extraction, information processing, and order generation. The solution can now be extended to other EDP Group companies in Spain and Brazil.

The project has now been distinguished in the Kaizen Awards Portugal that, since 2011, has distinguished national entities that stand out in the implementation of continuous improvement processes with gains in profitability and growth.

The award ceremony took place on June 1st at the Jerónimo Martins Grand Auditorium of the Nova School of Business & Economics in Carcavelos, and was attended by more than 300 people.