
E-REDES conducts simulacrum in Lisbon for the management of high impact incidents

Exercise in a real context trains articulation with clients, CML and rescue and security forces  

E-REDES conducts a training and preparation exercise for the teams to ensure adequate response capability to react to and recover from exceptional situations affecting the electricity grid. Olissipo'23 is carried out in cooperation with the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Lisbon City Hall, with the active participation of the Public Security Police, Municipal Police, Fire Brigade Regiment, INEM, Lisbon Volunteer Fire Brigade, Alfredo da Costa Maternity Hospital, Altice, SABA Parques, and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.  

The drill aims to test the performance of the teams on the ground and is crucial to anticipate uncertainty and threat, reduce risk, highlight weaknesses in response capacity and strengthen coordination with the entities responsible for protection and intervention in crisis scenarios.

The exercise, carried out within the scope of the Operational Plan for Crisis Response in the Distribution Network (POAC-RD), takes place in four different scenarios, starting with a technical incident that occurred in the Parque Substation (SE), which caused an interruption in the supply of energy to various zones in the surrounding area and led to the need for interaction and intervention by various external entities and customers. 

Following the incident, E-REDES ensures the involvement of all the necessary resources to guarantee the prompt restoration of the energy supply to the affected customers, including a priority customer.  

In the scope of the exercise, scheduled to begin at 09h00, four moments are planned: 

  • Fire at the Parque Substation and activation and intervention of the rescue and emergency resources, with search, rescue and relief actions.
  • Fall in height, in a PT Underground, with the need for help to a trauma victim in confined space.
  • Request for support from the Alfredo da Costas Maternity following a failure in starting the Emergency Generator of the new building of that health unit.
  • Installation of a Mobile Generating Station next to MAC for the restoration of the energy supply in a network disconnection post.


Following the anomaly verified in the start-up of the Emergency Generator of the facility, MAC triggers the activation of the contingency plans of the University Hospital Center of Central Lisbon (CHULC), in order to ensure the preparation for the partial evacuation of affected patients. 

33 E-REDES operators and 13 from the other entities involved are involved in the drill, in an operation that tests a crisis scenario in a real context, with extreme incidents, which prepares the Distribution Network Operator and the other entities involved for crisis scenarios in large-scale events.