
MOBI.SESSIONS: E-REDES present at the debate on electric mobility in Águeda

The first Mobi.Sessions took place in Águeda and aimed to disseminate electric mobility among municipalities. The initiative is sponsored by the Secretary of State for Urban Mobility and with the participation of E-REDES.

The Town Hall of Águeda was the venue chosen to host the first MOBI.Sessions, an initiative of MOBI.E, a public company with the responsibility of managing and monitoring the network of charging stations for electric vehicles in Portugal, which aims to contribute to the sustainability of municipalities, through the dissemination of electric mobility. Jorge Almeida, Mayor of Águeda; Luís Barroso, President of MOBI.E, and Jorge Delgado, Secretary of State for Urban Mobility, welcomed the participants. 

In order to contribute to the acceleration of Electric Mobility, E-REDES has invested in several areas, namely simplifying the process, proactively sending more information to the market, and establishing a close relationship with all those involved in the process - an investment that has allowed reducing connection times (30 to 16 working days) and integration times (12 to 7 days). José Ferrari Careto, chairman of the board of directors of E-REDES, highlighted the increase in requests for connection of electric mobility to the grid from 491 in 2020-2021, to 1,068 in 2022, and also the forecast of about 3,000 connection points in 2024.  

In 2023 new initiatives are foreseen to address the stakeholders' concerns, namely, the availability of information on the Transformer Stations and consumption diagrams with information on the various mobility consumptions. 

Electric mobility is a topic that concerns E-REDES a lot, given that the connection of electric vehicle charging points (PCVE) to the distribution network and the data generated by it are fundamental to the operation of this infrastructure. 

We have 420 substations throughout the country with potential to host electric vehicle charging points. (...) Having electric vehicle charging points at our substations is advantageous for the National Electric System. It is easier to have a location next to a substation than to extend a branch line of several kilometers to integrate a PCVE with those substations.

José Ferrari Careto, Chairman of the Board of Directors of E-REDES

An additional challenge to which José Ferrari Careto guarantees that the Company will respond "with a high sense of urgency", aware that this response is essential for the country to continue to make rapid strides in this aspect of energy transition. 

A vision also shared by the Secretary of State for Urban Mobility who praised E-REDES as a fundamental partner in the mobility process.