
E-REDES promotes awareness about electrical risk to Civil Protection

Preparing operatives to deal with the electrical hazards they encounter in the performance of their missions.

On January 20th, an awareness-raising action was held for operational elements of all Fire Departments and Municipal Civil Protection Services in the Algarve region.

The action took place following the weekly meetings of the Regional Command of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Algarve (CREPCA) where E-REDES participates. In these meetings, the need was identified to promote an awareness-raising action on electrical risk and action of operational forces of civil operation in the vicinity of distribution network assets.

This action was attended by more than 200 operatives and was aimed at elements of the Integrated System of Protection and Rescue Operations (SIOPS).

Several topics were covered, from the characterization of the various types of installations and infrastructures of the E-REDES, to the means of fighting fires.

This partnership is of utmost importance in safeguarding the safety of people and property, both of the operatives who first arrive in the theater of operations, and of the common citizen.

At the end there was a desire to repeat similar initiatives, with similar sessions already planned for the INEM, GNR and PSP.