
First steps in the flexibility market in Portugal

E-REDES and Piclo, a leading provider of flexibility services, start the pilot project of the first flexibility market in Portugal. The distribution network operator provides potential flexibility service providers - producers and consumers - with new business opportunities within the energy chain.

E-REDES identifies the electric grid's needs and allows new suppliers to meet them without overloading the grid or the investments made by the grid. In practice, suppliers can bid for their participation as in a common auction, with the gain being in the business opportunity and also in the contribution to accelerating the energy transition.

These flexibility services help meet the demands of the grid efficiently and sustainably.
You can learn more about the topic by watching the webinar here on January 12th.

"an important step towards the transformation of the national electricity system, enhancing the capacity of the distribution network to respond to current and emerging challenges. This project, developed with Piclo, allows flexibility service providers, interested in contributing to the E-REDES goal of decarbonizing electricity grids, to make a contribution to the Portugal 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan. It is a first step towards a future process of managing electricity networks, and its success will depend on the involvement of network users, national companies and communities that will play the key role in this future evolution"

Pedro Godinho Matos, Head of Business Development at E-REDES.

All companies with the ability to adjust their energy production or consumption, that manage electric vehicle charging or batteries can become flexibility service providers, register with Piclo Flex and be part of the new flexibility service. By facilitating the process, Piclo Flex helps distribution network operators unlock the ability to flex the energy chain and enable these companies to access additional revenue.

is excited to work with E-REDES, Portugal's largest Distribution Network Operator and an active voice in Portugal's commitment to decarbonizing the grid by 2050. This pilot project will in the future unlock opportunities for local and international flexibility service providers, as well as support energy security and equal access to clean energy for all.

James Johnston, CEO and co-founder of Piclo.

Portugal was one of the first countries in the world to commit to carbon neutrality by 2050, setting the goal of obtaining 80% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. The flexibility will contribute to the decarbonization of the electricity sector with greater integration of renewables and help Portugal meet the goals of the European Union's Clean Energy Package.

E-REDES currently serves 6 million customers in mainland Portugal and joins other European distribution network operators who are pioneers in flexibility markets, at the forefront of the energy transition.

For more information register here.