
European Interconnect Project presents results

General Assembly of the European project Interconnect presents the achieved results and the next goals, in a hybrid event, which gathered part of the consortium in Porto and was, simultaneously, broadcasted online.

The project has the participation of 50 partner institutions from 11 European countries, with the goal of developing innovative and interoperable digital solutions for the electricity system, ensuring connectivity between equipment, facilities, and smart grids.

The seven pilots of the project announced the actions implemented in their respective countries - Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands, Greece, France and Italy.

Carlos Damas Silva from the Directorate of Projects and European Policies (DPPE) presented the state of play of WP4 and the Portuguese pilot, both led by E-REDES, the latter with the participation of Labelec and EDP NEW (third parties).

In the scope of WP4 the DSO Interface is being developed, a system that will allow E-REDES to operationalize and mobilize flexibility services at the residential and commercial levels to support the management of the low and medium voltage grid. Additionally, the system will allow the sharing of open data on flexibility with the sector and the acquisition of data from smart appliances to observe the low voltage network.

The residential pilot will test various technologies in Braga, Porto, Guarda, Santarém, Évora, covering about 250 homes and focuses on the participation and integration of residential consumers in the project's ecosystem, in which one of the objectives is to provide flexibility services to the distribution network in an aggregate manner.

We are currently in the final stage of recruiting households to participate in the project, which will now be provided with several types of smart home appliances that they can manage through an Energy Management System installed in their homes.