
E-REDES donates 370 computers to 56 school groupings in the country

The offer is part of the Digital Academy for Parents program, a digital literacy initiative aimed at parents, which relies on the partnership of the Directorate-General of Education.

E-REDES is donating 370 computers to 56 school groups across the country under the program "Digital Academy for Parents", an initiative launched in partnership with the Directorate General of Education (DGE) and based on the conviction that digital literacy is a condition for social inclusion.

Through technological renovation, E-REDES had a stock of computers in good condition, which will now have a new function in the continuity of digital literacy training for parents and guardians of these schools.

This equipment will allow the creation of 56 "Digital Academy Rooms for Parents" on the school premises, as a way to internalize the Academy itself and continue the Program. These spaces are also intended for training volunteers and various school activities of a digital nature.

The first "Digital Academy Room for Parents", in Olhão's school, was formally inaugurated today and was attended by Elsa Parreira, Councillor for Education at Olhão City Council, Rui Alexandre da Ressurreição Gabriel, President of Olhão's Parish Council, Alexandre Lima, Algarve Regional Delegate for Education, Maria João Horta, Deputy Director General of Education, Arlinda Figueira, Director of the School Grouping Dr Alberto Iria and António Leal Sanches, responsible for the South Municipalities Directorate of E-REDES.

The digital literacy project, launched in late 2020 and which already has two editions, has reached nearly 4,000 families who have been supported by more than 1,000 volunteer trainers.

Inauguration of the digital room at Gafanha da Nazaré High School

Inauguration of the digital room at Rainha Santa Isabel EB 2/3 School

Inauguration of the digital room at Campo Maior High School