
E-REDES supports international conference on electricity distribution

Initiative takes place in Porto on June 2nd and 3rd

The International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) is promoting, in Porto, a workshop dedicated to electric mobility and power distribution systems. E-REDES, as the Distribution Network Operator in mainland Portugal, is one of the sponsoring entities.

This initiative will bring together more than four hundred experts from around the world to share best practices, developments and trends in the energy sector, which is undergoing a profound transformation.

The growing electrification of consumption, combined with the acceleration of electric mobility, the increase in distributed generation and the greater use of renewable sources, with a focus on energy efficiency, has led E-REDES to be at the forefront of this transformation, being a facilitator for the promotion of the energy transition. Currently, 75% of distributed generation is directly connected to E-REDES, 1,600 electric vehicle charging stations are connected to our infrastructure, and about 85,000 customers produce and consume their energy, with specific needs, namely information. E-REDES is committed to doing everything it can, together with its business partners, to ensure the success of the energy transition in our country.


Ferrari Careto
José Ferrari Careto