
“Portugal Chama” por todos

E-REDES joined, for the third consecutive year, the "Portugal Chama" campaign promoted by the Agency for Integrated Management of Rural Fires (AGIF), with the aim of alerting the population to the need to avoid risky behavior and to disseminate the precautions to be taken before and during the fire season.

As the operator of an electrical energy distribution network that is almost 180 thousand kilometers long, about 28 thousand of which are in forest areas, E-REDES is actively engaged in this joint mission.

Every year, fires consume a large part of the forest and its natural wealth, with serious ecological and socio-economic consequences. About 98% of occurrences in mainland Portugal have a human cause, and a change in behavior is urgent.

Remain vigilant. Together we can ensure everyone's safety.

Learn more at or by calling+351 808 200 520.

Prevention is within everyone's reach. Help us to make a difference!