
E-REDES takes part of AMEG - Advanced Management in Energy

Ângelo Sarmento, Administrator of E-REDES, at the invitation of AESE have integrated the 4th edition of AMEG - Advanced Management in Energy, having the opportunity to present and propose the reflection about "Distribution Grids: challenges of a DSO.

AMEG is a training program for Executives promoted by AESE in partnership with APE - Portuguese Energy Association, which aims to contribute to an integrated vision of the functioning of the entire energy sector value chain and the challenges of the ongoing transition. 

This contribution by Ângelo Sarmento, on behalf of E-REDES came about through the sharing of the experience and vision acquired in high-level positions, alternating with reflection on the theme presented in order to provide participants with an understanding of the context and the best bases for formulating strategies and for making decisions in the energy field.

Ângelo Sarmento is member of the Board of Directors of E-REDES since 2006, and also Member of the Board of Directors of EDP lnovação since 2007, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of EDP MOP - Operation of Electric Mobility Charging Points since 2010.