
EUniversal shines in E.DSO webinar

The European project EUniversal, led by E-Redes, was one of the "Projects in the Spotlight" of the first edition of a series of webinars organized by E.DSO - European Association of Distribution Network Operators.

On March 10, more than 150 participants attended this first webinar entitled “DSOs at the center of Data Exchange” that addressed the challenges of innovation in the operation of energy distribution and that will shape the energy sector of the future. 

Pedro Marques, from the Directorate of European Policies and Projects and coordinator of EUniversal, presented the main objectives of the project and the design of the proposed solution to face these challenges: "We will develop an open interface to address all the communications related to the flexibility they need. exchanged between DSO, market platform operators and aggregators ".

In addition to EUniversal, also the Interconnect project - in which E-Redes coordinates the development of the DSO Interface and the Portuguese demonstrator - was highlighted in this sharing session on the work carried out within the scope of the projects and their respective view on the importance of the role of Distribution Network Operators (DSO) in the data sphere, in the energy transition and in the importance of their role as market facilitator, since it is responsible for the interconnection of all agents.

E.DSO is a key interlocutor between the main distribution network operators and European stakeholders and institutions, of which João Torres is currently vice-president, after serving two consecutive terms as President.

The webinar and presentations are available on the E.DSO website.