
EDP ​​Distribuição contributes to paper on DSO's perspective on data management

E.DSO launched a new paper about the perspective of the Distribution System Operator (DSO) in data management - an uncommon approach in the literature on the topic with the contribution of EDP Distribuição.

Facilitating customers energy data management and interoperability - DSOs' perspective is a document produced by the E.DSO data management working group and emphasizes the importance of data management in the flexibility of the distribution network operation, responding to customer needs and managing critical situations properly. In addition, it clarifies the role and responsibilities of the DSOs, the process of data exchange between DSOs and third parties, as well as the willingness of DSOs to improve cooperation with TSO (Transmission System Operator) at European level, with benefit to the clients.

Finally, it stresses that the exchange of data between system operators and customers remains important in order to adopt a more customer-centered approach, with the aim of promoting greater involvement of DSOs in European workflows in relation to data access and interoperability.

The main conclusions:

  • DSOs are neutral market facilitators and will be so in the future with data management;
  • The exchange of customer data, duly authorized and authorized, is based on the data exchange structure and processes established by each Member State;
  • DSO's come up with new services in the energy system, including data and its management;
  • DSOs are committed to a fair cost allocation for their data management;
  • Despite the existence of multiple platforms and systems, DSOs manage data without discrimination and with possible regulation;
  • The decentralization of the energy system forces a “bottom up” decentralized data management approach by the DSO;
  • DSOs follow European workflows regarding data management and interoperability, respecting the processes established by Member States.


The full version of the document is available.