
More than 400 participants in the online launch of the new Reserved Area for Municipalities (V2)

On November 16th, EDP Distribuição promoted the launch of the new version of the Autarquias - Área Reservada (V2) exclusive digital platform.

The Live Event brought together more than 400 participants, including Mayors, City Councillors, Department Directors, Heads of Division and Technical Staff.

Launched in 2018, the Reserved Area of the Municipalities has been the main entrance door for requests mostly related to public lighting. It is a digital channel that has been affirmed, particularly in the last 6 months, already in a pandemic context, as an unequivocal alternative to traditional channels (telephone, e-mail, fax and letter), representing more than 70% of the total requests submitted. This level of adhesion demonstrates that the bet on this platform has been won and that it is worth investing in its continuous improvement.

In this sense, EDP Distribuição advanced with the development of the new version (V2), in production since November 9th, and which has new functionalities such as the monitoring of the status of requests synchronized with the systems of EDPD Distribuição (JUMP Release II).

The event was opened by João Torres, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EDP Distribuição, who highlighted the active and committed role of the Company in the search for the best solutions focused on the Municipalities. The session was then led by the Strategy and Regulation Department: at first Pedro Faria Gomes presented the main novelties and the next developments in the Reserved Area and then Tiago Vasconcelos showed the detail of the new features. At the end, there was still time to answer a few questions, making clear the interest in this platform.

This presentation of the new version of the Reserved Area (V2), adapted to the context of the pandemic, was highly attended and made a positive contribution to strengthening the close relationship between EDP Distribuição and the 278 Municipalities.