
EDP Distribuição supports CeaseFire platform

Digital tool was developed by Dom Luiz Institute.

EDP Distribuição, as a distribution network operator, has invested in the development of innovative solutions for the modernization and safety of the electric networks in forest areas, seeking to support distinctive projects and establish partnerships with academic institutions. 

The CeaseFire platform, developed by the Dom Luiz Institute of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, is another example of this investment in scientific knowledge, which is crucial to the planning, management and optimization of operating resources.

Through this digital tool, which is based on information collected by satellite and meteorological models, EDP Distribuição has access to illustrative maps with forest fire hazard indices and meteorological variables such as temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind, as well as their behaviour over time for a given area of the country, with up to 120 forecast hours. In addition to facilitating decision-making, the information provided by the CeaseFire platform allows EDP Distribuição to act in a planned, efficient and safe manner, essential factors for the operation of an aerial electrical network 179 thousand kilometers long, 28 thousand of which are installed in forest areas. With its involvement in this project, EDP Distribuição is also contributing to the development of extremely useful knowledge for the challenges faced by the country in this area.

The information coming from the Dom Luiz Institute is already integrated in the operational decision systems of EDP Distribuição, namely in LiveGrid. The levels of fire risk can be assessed with other types of meteorological information and power grid status to support the decisions of resource allocation and the triggering of action plans.

As part of the partnership with the Dom Luiz Institute, a training session was also held on the complex topic of determining fire risk indicators. In this session, about 50 employees of the Company attended the session on the origin, entry data and interpretation of different indicators of danger and fire risk. 

Learn more about this digital platform at