
Sharing Cities Project (H2020) awarded by the European Union

EDP Distribuição, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa and Lisboa-E-Nova are part of the project consortium.

The European Union has distinguished the European Sharing Cities project and some partners of its Consortium, within the "Innovation Radar", a unique initiative, launched in 2018, which aims to identify innovative projects with high potential associated with projects funded by Europe.

This year, one of the innovations in focus is with EDP Distribuição as the partner responsible for its development, together with Lisbon City Council and Lisbon-E-Nova - three of the entities that are part of the Consortium that has 35 partners and to which the "Key Innovator" award was given.

The "Innovation Radar" identified as an innovation factor of the Sharing Cities project two of the project's measures: the Sustainable Energy Management System and the Rehabilitation of the Lisbon Council Hall building.

The European project of the H2020 Sharing Cities, starting in January 2016 and ending in December 2021, is based on four objectives:

  • To enhance the market development of solutions for intelligent cities in Europe, which can be integrated in complex urban environments and which are based on common needs;
  • To adopt a first digital approach, promoting the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), making the existing structure more efficient, as well as the creation and operation of services associated with energy efficiency, such as facilitating electric mobility;
  • Accelerating the market of solutions in order to develop and test new business models, investments and governance models, which are essential for aggregation and replication (through collaboration) in different cities;
  • Sharing and collaborating on behalf of society, as a way to respond to the growing interest in citizen involvement and participation, improving the capacity of political power and municipalities in policy making and service delivery through collaborative solution design.

This recognition addresses the energy efficiency potential of buildings, a topic where the Company plays an important role as an active facilitator in the process.

European projects such as the Sharing Cities are essential to continue to chart the path of energy transition throughout the economy.

Project website: