
"Portugal Chama" and EDP Distribuição responds again

"PORTUGAL CHAMA" is much more than a campaign, it is a call to action, which challenges each Portuguese to mobilize and contribute to a country protected from serious rural fires.

For the second consecutive year, EDP Distribuição joined the "Portugal Chama" campaign, promoted by the Agency for the Integrated Management of Rural Fires (AGIF), with the aim of alerting the population to the need to avoid risky behaviours and to publicize the care to be taken during this fire season.
Rich in biodiversity, the forest is a renewable natural resource, essential for the sustainable development of the country. Its preservation is, therefore, a national imperative and implies the commitment of all.

As the operator of a 179,000 kilometer long air power distribution network, 28,000 of which are installed in forest areas, EDP Distribuição is actively engaged in this joint mission.

Help us to identify situations of risk of proximity to vegetation along our power lines.

If you see a tree or other vegetation close to an overhead line, with the risk of possible contact in the short or medium term, describe the situation to us.

Install our app and leave your alert accessing the "Proximity of Vegetation" and leaving a description of the situation, you can attach up to three photographs of the location.

For you and for all of us, help spread the message and reduce the number of rural fires.
Be part of this mission.

Learn more at or through 808 200 520.