
"Sustainable Berlenga" - Operation Air Force

The "Sustainable Berlenga" project concluded, on June 3rd, one of its most crucial stages: the movement of diesel generators.

This step made it possible to complete the installation of the off-grid system on the island of Berlenga, which has photovoltaic panels, batteries and the emergency generator.

The operation consisted of moving the 3 old generators, which previously provided electrical power to the island, and a new generator, to be used in emergency mode.

This movement was carried out between the "House of Generators", which is on a higher point on the island, to the Berlenga Pier. As there were no vehicle routes that allowed the movement of these generators (with an average load of 800 kg), EDP Distribuição relied on the partnership of the Portuguese Air Force to move the equipment by helicopter.

Watch the video with some moments captured by the employees who participated in the operation.