
COVID-19: EDP Distribuição reinforces contingency measures

Customers can use the Company's digital channels or the Contact Center.

EDP Distribuição reinforced the measures of its Contingency Plan, activated on March 6, in order to guarantee the continuity of electricity distribution throughout the country, in a safe manner and in full agreement with the recommendations of health and government entities in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this sense, the Company has adjusted its activities, placing 1850 employees who have the capacity to perform functions from home in telework and the rest remain in critical operational activities in the network command centers and technical facilities scattered throughout the country, in order to ensure operational response in situations of breakdown.

Other operations of a technical nature will be reduced, basically responding to situations that may jeopardize the continuity of energy supply in safety.
Service orders requested by customers, such as contractual changes or grid connections, should be maintained, to the extent that field capacity allows.

These are exceptional measures, which require everyone's understanding. During this period, it is therefore recommended that only the most urgent requests, such as breakdowns or risk situations, should be reported.

Readings will only be given to equipment outside the dwellings. It should be noted that there are already about 2.5 million pieces of intelligent measuring equipment installed with remote reading. 

In addition, it was decided to close the 23 public service points throughout the country, as a preventive measure and to control the spread of the coronavirus.

EDP Distribuição has at the disposal of any citizen digital channels the company through the website and APP EDP Distribuição, or the Contact Center service with the lines 808 100 100 (information), 800 506 506 (breakdowns), or 800 507 507 (readings recording).

EDP Distribuição, as an Electricity Distribution Network Operator, which provides a public service, expects with these measures, on the one hand, to contribute to the mitigation of the virus propagation and simultaneously, to continue to ensure the energy supply to all citizens.

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