
EDP ​​Distribuição sponsors Trilho dos Reis

Mythical Trail Running includes a 45km ultramarathon through the São Mamede Mountain Range, bringing together a record of over 2,000 participants in Portalegre.

EDP ​​Distribuição will sponsor, for the fourth consecutive year, the Rails of the Kings, a race inserted in the National Trail Running Circuits that will take a record of more than 2,000 participants to Portalegre, by the Serra de São Mamede Trail.

The event will be centered at Portalegre Municipal Market, where the five races will start and finish: Ultra Kings Trail (45km), Kings Trail (25km), Mini Kings Trail (16km), Walking and Running of Princes (for the little ones).

The race starts at 9:00 am on January 12 with the departure of about 550 participants for Ultra Trilhos dos Reis. At 9:45 am, about 650 participants depart for the 25km of the Kings Trail and, at 10:30 am, the Mini Kings Trail and the Walk begin, with a platoon of about 850 participants.

Organized by DAP - Portalegre Sport and Adventure Association, the Trilhos dos Reis race stands out for its more sporting and competitive aspect, as well as for its cultural, tourist and pedagogical nature, ensured through the guided tours of the Days. Techniques and the Princes' Race, which will take place on January 11th.

By sponsoring this event, EDP Distribuição contributes to the “energizing” of the social and economic dynamics of the municipality of Portalegre, while promoting education through sport and the adoption of healthy lifestyles among the community.