
26000 LED luminaires in the Algarve

Three million euros invested in 15 municipalities

EDP ​​Distribuição has an installation campaign of more than 26 thousand LED luminaires under the Low Voltage Electricity Concession and Distribution Contract, in 15 municipalities of the District of Faro, in a global investment of over 3 million. of euros.

This measure aims to replace obsolete luminaires with mercury vapor and high pressure sodium vapor technologies with LED luminaires that provide conditions of visual comfort, safety of people and goods, and reduced maintenance needs in an increasingly sustainable manner.

By the end of this year, this campaign is expected to contribute to an annual savings of more than 780,000 euros in the energy bill of the municipalities concerned and a reduction in the ecological footprint of about 3,500 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Thus, EDP Distribuição continues its strategy of modernizing the distribution network and adopting new technologies, essential for energy transition and decarbonization, in line with the Government's National Energy and Climate Plan, reinforcing the Company's commitment and Municipalities in energy efficiency and smart grid management, with a clear improvement in quality of service.