
14 Municipalities will reforest over 300 hectares with the support of EDP Distribuição

EDP ​​Distribuição donates trees to the 14 municipalities that participated in the ‘Preserve the Nature’ contest, in order to reforest more than 300 hectares in the municipalities most affected by the 2017 and 2018 fires.

Oleiros, Vila de Rei, Figueira da Foz, Seia, Castro Daire, Gouveia, Nelas, Lousã, Vouzela, Tondela, Vila Nova de Poiares and the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF).

The delivery of indigenous species, in the total amount of 250 thousand euros, was made by EDP Distribuição, with the municipalities being responsible for preparing the land and for reforestation. With these types of initiatives, EDP Distribuição aims to enhance the preservation of biodiversity and natural heritage.