
EDP ​​Distribuição shares experience at Lisbon CES

João Torres, EDP Distribuição Chairman of the Board of Directors, attended the "Lisbon CES - Civil Engineering Summit" conference and was part of the Urban Management / Cities and Intelligent Networks panel, sharing with the audience the experience and reality of EDP Distribuição.

The LNEC - Civil Engineering National Laboratory, hosted between 24 and 28 September, a meeting of engineers from around the world who discussed the main issues of relevance to the community of civil engineers, focusing on issues such as climate change, water resources or construction safety, among others.

With speakers from 27 countries, the Lisbon CES 2019 is organized and hosted by the Order of Engineers, in partnership with some of the world's most prestigious engineering organizations, such as the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), the World Council of Civil Engineers ( WCCE), the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI), the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE), the European Council of Engineers Chambers (ECEC) and the Engineering Association of Mediterranean Countries (EAMC).