
EDP ​​Distribuição presents the Energy Transition challenges to Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon

KIC InnoEnergy students from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon attended a session on September 25th about the major challenges that the energy transition will bring to the energy distribution business.

Miguel Louro from EDP Distribuição led the presentation session which was very interactive, with a good dynamic and an active student participation, discussing the various challenges that will be posed to Distribution Networks in the future:

  • the ability to incorporate renewable production and new loads resulting from the transition from fossil fuel consumption to electricity;
  • the necessary active management of the distribution network;
  • the goal of minimizing the costs of building new infrastructure for this challenge;
  • maintaining system inertia with non-rotating generation;
  • the requirements for flexibility from the point of view of the distribution network;
  • ways to make the provision of flexibility service attractive to potential customers of this service;
  • the dynamics of flexibility markets;
  • load prediction and generation with large measurement point systems;
  • the interaction between the distribution network and the energy markets;
  • the use of storage;
  • the creation and management of network “islands” in Distribution

After participating in this enlightening session, students can now choose a topic to further develop in their master's thesis.

KIC Innoenergy ( is an association of universities, business schools and various types of businesses whose purpose is to accelerate innovations leading to the energy transition in many ways, making the future more sustainable.
One of these aspects is the maintenance of several masters degrees, with the partner universities, one of which is IST, with the purpose of qualifying professionals in several important areas for the energy transition ( students-learners / master-school/).