
EDP ​​Distribuição triggers Operational Crisis Action Plan

Following the decree of the hazardous materials drivers strike on August 12, the Company's Operational Crisis Action Plan for the Distribution Grid is on.

In order to ensure the continuity of its electricity supply activity, the actions to be taken in the various areas of the Company and their respective responsibilities are established, as well as the available means, the vehicles essential to ensure the movement of the operational ones and the supply of generators.

This plan also mobilizes suppliers and service providers who collaborate daily with EDP Distribuição and who will adapt their operations to the expected constraints.

The Company monitors developments by collaborating with the National Energy Authority, the General Direction for Energy and Geology and the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority to adjust its procedures and mitigate any constraints that may arise.

EDP ​​Distribuição is committed to ensure the fulfillment of its responsibilities as the Distribution System Operator of Mainland Portugal.