
EDP ​​Distribuição builds new substation in Benavente

Investment of 3 million euros will ensure energy supply to 5000 homes and 30 industrial customers

EDP ​​Distribution starts today the construction of a new substation in Benavente. This infrastructure will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology in terms of network automation and will contribute significantly to improving the quality of service in the county.

The 60/30 kV substation has a 20 MVA power transformer. The new network comprises 3.6 km of High Voltage lines and 3.1 km of Medium Voltage lines, mostly subterranean. The works have a lead time of 12 months and will involve the mobilization of specialized teams in the field.

"The construction of the new substation, which will feed around 5,000 homes and 30 industrial customers, translates into an added value for the Municipality of Benavente and its development strategy, and therefore we reiterate the congratulation for the realization of this investment, which is fundamental to respond to immediate needs, but also as a factor of attractiveness for the future, "said Carlos Coutinho, Mayor of Benavente.

The construction of this new infrastructure is part of the strong commitment that EDP Distribuição has made in the modernization and automation of the electricity network and in the reduction of the regional asymmetries in quality of service, according with the public service mission that it provides. The investments that EDP Distribuição has made in the last 13 years in the national electricity network have enabled the achievement of quality of service indicators that place it at the level of the best European counterparts.