
Car donation to the Alandroal Volunteer Firefighters


According to the "Donate to Protect" program, EDP Distribuição delivered on June 11, a forest fire prevention vehicle to the Alandroal Volunteer Firefighters.

This was the eighth vehicle provided by EDP Distribuição in 2019, out of a total of 25 that the Company will deliver from North to South of the country during this year.

This program, which aims to support institutions that develop initiatives in forest protection, vegetation cleaning, or reforestation, promoted the donation of the vehicle belonging to the EDP Distribuição fleet, a Renault Megane, in a ceremony held at the Firemen's Volunteer Fire Station of Alandroal.

Whoever walks on the ground as we are who understands the difficulties of firefighters and this leads us to think of them when we consider this type of support. EDP ​​Distribuição plays a decisive role in the proximity to the population, the municipalities and the fire brigades, and so we felt that, in the renewal of our fleet, we could highlight a number of vehicles that are still in good condition for us. help the firefighting and civil protection structures.

João Torres - Presidente EDP Distribuição


The ceremony was attended by João Grilo (Mayor of Alandroal), António Brisa Bastos (President of the Alandroal Volunteer Firefighters Association), João Pais (Commander of the Firefighters of Alandroal) and José Lopes Ribeiro (Commander of Civil Protection District of Évora).

EDP ​​Distribuição, in the scope of defense and protection of the forest heritage, manages 68,000 km of airlines (of which more than 28,000 km in forest areas), having invested a total of 72 million euros in the last 11 years, of this amount, € 11 million relates to 2019.

Inspection and intervention actions in the protection zones and in the fuel management lanes near the power lines involve around 500 people, among internal and external collaborators, and the application of best practices of monitoring and vegetation management (from inspections thermal imaging of the lines using helicopter and drone flights, until the development of a functionality in the APP that allows any citizen to report situations of proximity to the vegetation).


"Donate to Protect" Program
Doação Viaturas- EDP Distribuição