
EDP Distribuição joins humanitarian mission to Mozambique

Two EDP Distribuição technicians left yesterday for Mozambique, joining the humanitarian mission of the Portuguese State that aims to help the country, which lives a real tragedy after Idai cyclone.


The two experts, Vasco Moreira and Carlos Augusto Santos, specialists in disaster scenarios, will make some field work and analysis, to define an action plan with the authorities.

EDP Distribuição ​​has also made available 15 generators able to ensure the electricity supply. The equipment shipment will occur in the next few days.

On board of the C-130, departed this Thursday evening from Figo Maduro airport in Lisbon, towards Mozambique, there was also members of the country’s National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC), National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM) and Instituto Camões. in addition to six tons of material to support populations, such as food and personal care kits.

Before the departure, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, addressed all elements of this humanitarian mission and assured that "Portugal will live up to what it is our obligation to solidarity with the Mozambican people at this difficult time"