
Meeting between management teams of Enedis and EDP Distribuição

In February 5th, EDP Distribuição met in Lisbon with Enedis, at the request of this company, taking advantage of their stay of a few days in Portugal in an internal journey of strategic reflection.

The meeting, which dealt mainly with topics of technological innovation in the electricity distribution activity, was attended by top executives from both companies responsible for technical areas. The team of Enedis, comprising 13 directors from the technical and operational areas, was led by Antoine Jourdain, member of the executive committee. For EDP Distribuição, Ângelo Sarmento, member of the executive board, led a team of 20 managers of equivalent areas.

The subjects discussed focused mainly on innovation, digitization, intelligent solutions, automation and control of the grid. The concessions topic was also discussed. It was an excellent opportunity for information and knowledge exchange between the two companies, allowing them to assess and discuss their situations in various technological domains and the answers to challenges that utilities are facing nowadays. It was also a great opportunity to establish or strengthen contacts between peers.

It was concluded that for the same challenges there are approaches and answers with some variants, and priorities that may not always be the same. But it was also clear the benefit in sharing and understanding the solutions that are being adopted by each of the companies. The way is open for more detailed contacts in specific areas and an invitation was made by Enedis for a visit of EDP Distribuição to France, returning the reception given in Lisbon.