
EDP Distribuição aposta na eletrificação do Interior

On December 20, EDP Distribuição and the Municipality of Ourique signed a collaboration protocol for the realization of a set of investments.

On Thursday, December 20, in the Auditorium of the Municipal Library Jorge Sampaio, in the presence of the Secretary of State for Energy, João Galamba for the electrification of buildings and farms scattered in a rural context that currently do not have electricity.

This project will be carried out in two phases, in an estimated global investment that can reach 1,300,000 euros and will cover a total of 38 Montes, corresponding to 56 places of consumption. The completion of the first phase of the project will involve the construction of 8km of Medium Voltage (MV) and 9km of Low Voltage (LV) air lines, as well as the installation of 11 Transformer Posts with a total power of 660 kVA .

This first phase of the project corresponds to an estimated investment of € 506,000.00, divided between the parties subscribing to the agreement. The intervention provides for the realization of electrifications in several hills of all the parishes of the county of Ourique. This initiative falls within the scope of the public service that EDP Distribuição provides to all citizens, in national territory.

The fact that the company ensures the integrated management of the Low and Medium voltage networks, allows it important synergies and provide a service of excellence to the populations, in a logic of uniformity of the territory, thus approaching the interior of the coast.