
EDP Distribuição welcomes RESCCUE Project to Porto

The sixth meeting of the European Project Consortium RESCCUE took place. Consortium partner EDP Distribuição hosted this meeting at EDP’s offices in Porto on November 26 and 27.

RESCCUE - RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas – is a project funded by the H2020 program, which aims to promote improvement to the resilience of cities focusing on the water sector. The project intends to offer a multisectoral perspective to develop strategies for articulating and adapting the different sectors, which includes the electricity sector, including possible climate change scenarios.

All project partners participated in the meeting, with presentations of the main results of the work carried out so far in each of the cities taking part in the study: Barcelona, Bristol, and Lisbon. The next steps and developments required to achieve the project's objectives have also been outlined, notably the HAZUR tool, which presents a methodology for managing interdependencies between the various services essential to society.

On the first day delegates visited the EDP Distribuição North Dispatch center, and on the second day a moment of exchange of experiences and knowledge took place between Porto City Council and Águas do Porto where, in addition to the presentation of the project, these bodies shared with consortium partners the latest strategies and actions implemented with a view to improving the resilience of the city in the water sector. 

The City of Porto's strategy for adapting to climate change, as well as the measures implemented by Águas do Porto, have consolidated the RESCCUE project’s applicability in addition to the work carried out by the cities, thereby contributing to their ability to adapt to climate change and strengthen the urban resilience of communities.

This meeting was organised by the Business Continuity Area of the Environment, Sustainability and Business Continuity Department, and was supported by the Dispatch and Control Department, the Porto Networks and Concessions department and the Communications Office.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 2019 and will be hosted by the University of Exeter.
Watch the video.
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