
Power failures in the municipalities of Oeiras, Cascais and Sintra

At around 20:30 on 3 August, a serious malfunction occurred at the Trajouce facility which resulted in the interruption of power to various locations in the municipalities of Oeiras, Cascais and Sintra. It is estimated that it may have resulted from the overload of the electricity grid due to the registered atmospheric conditions.

In view of the heat wave, EDP Distribuição has maintained a state of prevention and alertness in accordance with its Operational Plan for Crisis Operations, reinforcing the teams monitoring and supervising the operability of the electricity grid, in order to ensure a rapid response to possible power failures.

This allowed the teams to be promptly deployed to repair the damage. It was possible to partially restore the supply to some areas by a reconfiguration of the electricity grid.

At around 22:00, the power was restored to all affected areas with the re-entry in service of the installation.