
Connection Conferences 2018 - Transparency, agility, proximity

After a journey through mainland Portugal, which included Braga, Porto, Coimbra and Évora, Lisbon was the last stage of the 2018 Connection Conferences organized by EDP Distribuição.

About 800 participants, including technical experts, designers, municipalities, low voltage grid operators and EDP Distribuição employees, attended the discussion of challenges to professionals in the sector, with participation also extended to the General Directorate of Energy and Geology and representatives of the Portuguese Engineers’ Association and the Technical Engineers’ Association.

The conferences were considered timely due to the recent legislative changes, which were clarified to the participants, who accepted the opportunity to present their doubts and share their challenges. EDP ​​Distribuição also clarified the necessary procedures for making connections to the electricity grid, whether for consumption or for production, not forgetting the process of drawing up the operating protocol for medium and high voltage connections and of production units.

The EDP Distribuição Digital project was also presented, namely the App and the areas reserved for Customers, Municipalities and Professionals. The underlying feature of this project is the total transparency of the processes exchanged with EDP Distribuição, providing permanent feedback and streamlining communication with the EDP Distribuição stakeholders and the performance of the different requests. All this while keeping the familiar proximity to the local reality, both at the level of local councils and at the level of customers.

To learn more about the topics covered in the Connection Conferences, see the presentation: Connection Conferences 2018.