
EDP Distribuição participates in the 2nd edition of ObservArribas

EDP ​​Distribuição participated, for the 2nd consecutive year, in ObservArribas - Iberian Nature Festival of Arribas do Douro, where it presented its best practices for managing the interaction of electricity grids with birdlife.

The 2018 edition of ObservArribas took place in Miranda do Douro, between 25 and 27 May, co-organized by Miranda do Douro municipal council and partners of the Life Rupis project. The purpose of this festival is to contribute to the awareness of visitors, companies and producers, with respect to the sustainable development and conservation of the Arribas do Douro territory.

In addition, this year, the event celebrated 20 years of the Douro International Natural Park and highlighted the importance of the golden eagle to the park, one of the target species of Life Rupis and 2018 Bird of the Year in Portugal. The participation of EDP Distribuição had the objective of the company sharing the best practices of management of the interaction of the electricity grids with birdlife, through a stand, where videos were shown demonstrating the techniques used in the grids for the application of the materials to protect birdlife and it also presented the equipment currently used by the company for the minimization of electrocution and collision.

In addition, awareness-raising activities aimed at young people from local schools were carried out, as well as promoting relationships with local institutional stakeholders and project partners. The EDP Distribuição stand was visited by representatives of the municipal councils of Freixo de Espada a Cinta, Miranda do Douro and Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, and also representatives of the GNR police, schools in the region and the general public who attended the event.

The birdlife protection initiatives developed by EDP Distribuição contribute to the United Nations Global Agenda, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGD), 8 of which the EDP Group has signed up for, as can be seen in the image below. This action, in particular, is aligned with SDG 15.